Success Story!

Cumnor CE Primary, Oxford

Cumnor CE Primary School received 50 tree saplings from ERS to set up their own School Tree Nursery in March 2016. Teacher Linda Druce kindly sent us some comments from the students and photos of their planting day below.

“We wanted to write to express our thanks for including our School in the Tree Nursery Programme.  The children have enjoyed the whole experience, they have worked with our Forest School Leader to prepare the nursery and plant the trees, learning about each tree as they do. They had great ideas where the different trees can be best planted in the school grounds, once they are established and enjoyed making name tags for their tree.

I thought you might like to hear from the children themselves, please see some of their letters below. Thank you again for gifting such a worthwhile opportunity for our School.”

Cumnor school pic.jpg

“Dear Earth Restoration Service, Thank you for donating 50 healthy and fine trees to Cumnor CE Primary School. I hope when I’m older, I can be as dedicated to nature and life as your charity is.”

Laura Y6 – Eco Warrior

“Thank you so much for the trees, we had a lot of fun planting them and hope that they will grow into strong healthy trees. They will be planted in our grounds and I hope when I’m old I can visit the school and see the trees we planted.”

Harvey Y6

“We wanted to say a massive Thank You for sending the huge selection of nursery tress (50 to be exact) to our school.  It has made a big difference to the Eco Team. We loved planting all the different trees and even named some of them, making some big name tags. Thank you again for sending us our Tree Nursery, we shall enjoy looking after them and watching them grow. The school looks much nicer with them.”

Jaya and Freddie Year 5

“Thank you so so much for the lovely trees, we had a great time working with the Forest School leader planting our nursery. It was great giving new life to our grounds.”

From Eva and Seth Y4 Eco Warriors

“Thank you for bringing us 50 new trees, hopefully they will also bring more nature to visit our school. They have made a real difference to all the school.”

From Ava and Oli Y3

“Thank you for the trees, our favourite was the Cherry trees.  We have been learning about Trees in our topic work and our whole class helped to plant the trees with us. We had great fun making the tree Nursery.”

From Pippa, Joshua, Ruben and Ava KS1 Eco Warriors