‘Pollinators Without Borders’ aims to work with governments, businesses, landowners, communities and individuals to re-flower landscapes all over the world. Re-flowering is the restoration of the food, plants and flowers that benefit insects, upon which our ecosystems so greatly depend on.


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Wildflower meadows and open grasslands provide an important habitat and source of food for a number of insect species. However, over 97% of wildflower meadows have been lost since the 1930s with only a mere 1% of UK’s land area now covered with grasslands rich in wildflowers.

Their rapid and almost complete removal from our landscapes have caused flying insect populations to plunge by 75% in 25 years. Some invertebrate species, like butterflies, are also highly susceptible to climate change. As the temperatures are increasing, the lack of cooler places like wildflower meadows for the butterflies to seek shelter can be catastrophic for some species. This is why we are busy planting as many wildflower meadows as we can.

We also believe that for species recovery to have a lasting effect, an educational approach is the most effective. The Earth Restoration Service therefore teams up with schools to provide an educational environment for children and youth to learn about these habitats, butterflies and other important aspects about this type of environment first-hand.

Landowners play an important role in our work to converting unused land into vast open spaces of varieties of wildflowers. All to tackle the steep decline of insect populations, which is so damaging to our local environments.

Insects make up about two-thirds of all life on Earth [but] there has been [a] horrific decline, we appear to be making vast tracts of land inhospitable to most forms of life, we are currently on course for ecological Armageddon.

- Professor Dave Goulson, Sussex University, UK


By offering financial support or registering your land for re-flowering anywhere in the world, you will be making a real difference to the spaces, which mean so much to our environment, wildlife and our everyday lives.

Check out how you can be part of sponsoring a project, or if you are a landowner, offer your land to plant wildflowers on by clicking on the links below.

Looking forward to hearing from you!